Silhouettes is a collection of reflective and personal poetry covering three decades. As the title indicates, the poems provide some information about an author who is otherwise a private man, although he has a high public profile in South Africa.
The poems contained in the book range from those dealing with universal and everyday matters like love and its various stages, to those dealing with uniquely South African matters when that country was undergoing a transition from apartheid to a democracy. They were written in different parts of the world, including the USA, the United Kingdom and, of course, South Africa.
£3.50 -
Selah - Encounters
This book is a collection of the writer’s thoughts and expressions. Written during a tough time of COVID 19 lockdown, the writer has put on paper an internal dialogue. Hopefully she can share these with you the reader, encourage you, as she has found solace. Her message is, take heart, even during these increasingly challenging times, be hopeful.
In every difficulty there is often a glimmer of light, that will come through even when it appears darkest. This collection of thoughts is hopefully that place where you can sit within the sentiments of the writer and be strengthened and encounter that glimmer of light. And just when you least expect, there will appear joy, peace, courage and a new perception, even in the midst of life’s current challenges and uncertainty.
This book is a reflection in the stillness and how from this sense of isolation and disruptions can create a blossoming of the peaceful “lotus flower”. Beauty can arise again!
Selah£3.50 -
Scintillata Nee
Scintillata Nee is an extraordinary, experimental volume of verse by young author Cynthia Tenor. While the poems take the reader through the development of a personal relationship, the text is expressed in highly unusual terms: words are often chosen for their sound and/or etymology and rather than for their more obvious meaning. Strange and imaginative coinings of new words are dotted throughout the text, while many of the poems also include deliberate archaisms to evoke the history of English literature.
The collection ends with a handful of original Greek poems (along with their English translations), reflecting the author’s background.£3.50 -
Scarlet Sealwax
Scarlet Sealwax is a collection of twenty-eight introspective poems focusing on the essence of human relationships. In fact, it is the concept of idealized love that permeates this collection. Under the dystopian circumstances that we are currently experiencing as a species, idealized love, no matter how utopian, is looked upon as an emotional condition resulting from self-awareness, self-respect, honesty and unconditional (yet fully conscious) devotion to one's beloved, with whom one may happen to be lucky enough to experience a wholesome connection at all levels: spiritual, emotional and physical.
To the mind of the poetess, it is only through the experience of whole-hearted love and devotion that the transfiguration of the self, the miraculous rebirth of one's soul and, hence, fulfilment and bliss, are attainable. What also emerges is that self-actualization, in all respects, will only be possible if one is prepared to shake free from intentionally fabricated misconceptions about what is right and what is wrong. It is to break, to shatter, I dare say, the “rusty moulds” of what has been falsely established as “the norm”. This is actually just a set of poisonous and mutilating stereotypes, maiming people’s thoughts, deeds, dreams, potential and their whole lives.
£3.50 -
Sad, Sardonic and Hopeful
After years of being told to write down her sardonic musings, MJ Fuller finally took the plunge. These poems explore the various thoughts that she, and others, have had at various points in life, and are easily read and accessible for all.
Whether you are a poetry novice or a poetry veteran, there is something in these verses for you. The poems of Sad, Sardonic and Hopeful take the reader on a journey through the eyes of the poet. That journey can be happy, sad, comedic, tragic or whimsical, but it’s certainly a journey. A perfect, little, evocative escape from a very manic world.
£3.50 -
Run they said.... War of the Mind
Mental health is a journey, it has lots of ups and downs. Just like life, we never know which way it will go: from happiness to sadness, from worry to not a care in the world. There are books, films and discussions which try to tell you which way to turn, when realistically you are the only one who holds the answers. Sometimes, though, you need a bit of help – and that’s what I got from the strangest place, inside my head! A poet: whenever there was trouble, he appeared and led me back to happiness, helping me on my journey.
My friend the poet plotted my pathways and shaped my future, carving my destiny as we went through the darkest periods of my life with the only support coming from within and from the pen, which indeed is mightier than the sword. It can write or draw happier days and times, even if the parchment is used and damaged.
From darkness into light through inner strength and the spoken and written word…
“Si vis pacem, para bellum.”£3.50 -
Run They Said...
Run They Said… Well, they may have said ‘Run’, but it certainly didn’t happen: he stayed to face life’s twists and turns head-on; made bad decisions, good decisions and decisions which actually saved his life. Not a hero by any account but a fortunate airman, he found himself the witness of countless unfortunate events, strangely coming out of one and straight into another, all of them recorded in poetry and written with experience.
From war zone to new baby, from the Royal household to living next to a pond full of poo in Afghanistan, the writing of Run They Said may have just kept this fortunate airman alive, giving him the chance to explain the ups and downs of a changing world, a changing life and changing attitudes to sexuality, warfare and love.£3.50 -
Rhymes of Life and Love
Can we ever figure out what life is about? Dig deep into the rhyming symphonies of enticing love, fly over the dazzling winds of ambition, push through the bright lightening of daily struggles, and always remember: It will definitely shine after the darkness!
This book is a collection of poems written across many years of social and emotional explorations that we go through in life. “Rhymes of Life” focus on the social aspects such as self-help topics, family relationships, friendship, life-changing decisions, social struggles, … “Rhymes of Love” focus on romantic relationships all the way from falling in love to dealing with break-ups and then moving on.
£3.50 -
Rhymes from Rural England
From the EU, to Covid, to White Van Men, this is a little book of life experiences and observations in rhyme.
Hopefully, some poems will make you smile. Others are reflective and thought-provoking. Most relay a message.
Rhymes from Rural England is full of feel-good verses which put life in perspective.£3.50 -
Rhymes and Reasons
Poems of variety and inspiration fill this little book and are definitely food for thought. The poems will particularly appeal to those who don’t think poetry needs to be obscure and scholarly. You never know, there could be a message in here for even the fussiest of readers.
£3.50 -
Revolving Door
Quietly reflective, the beautifully written poems in this slim volume offer a welcome respite from the noisy insistence of modern life. The language, now simple and direct, now rich in associations, double-meanings, and imagery, has its own natural rhythm and appeal regardless of subject and rhyme. Intriguing, absorbing, thought-provoking, the poems are innovative and fresh and the intensity of the verses in places will undoubtedly strike a chord with readers of all kinds - both established readers of poetry, those who read poetry now and again, and those turning to poetry for the first time. Largely relating one person's take on how it is to be in the world, the poems address such aspects of life as time, being, loss, culture, and contingency. The collection is divided into three sections - non-rhyming poems, rhyming poems, and a concluding section of lighter, more humorous verses, with each of two additional poems serving as foreword and afterword.
£3.50 -
Repressed Feelings of Self-Portrayal
Have you ever felt emotions or desires, especially those that could be considered by some as shameful or depressing?
We are all a product of our environment and we each repress feelings in hope that they will subside.
As humans, we have all experienced these feelings at one time or another.
This book is a collection of poetry surrounding the topics of Self – betrayal, confession, self-discovery, rejection and love.£3.50